
You Know When...

We were shopping @ the grocery store for Snacks and drinks for Ella to take to Preschool last week. Both E and M were pushing their own miniature shopping carts (so cute by the way) gathering items to purchase. We were headed down isle #3 and to our suprise, Ella knocked over a free standing display with small boxes on it. She laughed and said, "oops! Oh by the way mom, You can loose 100 Calories a day with Splenda!!" I was confused until I looked at the boxes she was putting back on the display... SPLENDA right on the front of the box it stated Loose 100 Calories a day! I was laughing so hard I seriously almost had an accident!

Thats when you know your child has seen too many commercials...which means too much TV!

Ok, now seriously...I thought she would repeat a commercial for a toy or something fun, but SPLENDA...really?? Ha Ha I am still laughing!

Holiday Fun

We had such a great time over the Christmas Holiday. We headed from the nice weather in Vegas up to the COLD in Utah...we enjoyed ourselves!
We indeed built a Mini Frosty
Lots of SNOW in UTAH for Christmas

Santa brought a new bike for little E
Which she has now mastered in the warm weather!
He also brought a Trike for Little Miss M
