
Molly Smiles

Little miss MOLLY is all about Smiles and making noises.



We have had some fun things happen at our home this month....

Ella Jane turned 2... She got a new big girl bed from us and she really likes it. I think this is mostly because she can get in and out of her bed now all by herself. My first thought of this happening was- she is is not going to sleep-but I have been pleasantly suprised. She has gotten me a few times in the middle of the night with a blanket in one hand and an animal of some sort in the other and says "mommy you lay with me"...oh how sweet!

Time passes so quickly. Molly is now 3 months and growing every minute! She smiles and makes noises...which Ella really likes. We are all happy and healthy.

The UTES won!! Maybe there will be a fun bowl game to go to who knows?? :)

Thanksgiving and all the trimmings are deLiCiouS to the tast and I get to make home made PUMPKIN PIES this year for the big day! YUMMY my favorite!


Ella & Clark Cousins

What a fun time we had while Ella's cousins visted from out of town. Ella enjoys playing with them...we wish they were closer!

Pretty darn cute bunch I have to say! We have little Emerson, Ella, Travis, Thomas and Molly.


Halloween 2008

Here we have the Count Dracula (Emerson) Cookie Monster (Thomas) Elmo (Ella Jane) and Superman (Travis). Ella Jane was so excited to have her cousins in town to go "trick or treating" with this year. She really got into the candy thing. She would say..."trick or treat smell my feet, give me something good to eat." Rather funny I thought until she said it at every door we knocked on...he he! Her most favorite candy is the sucker...hands down! She also likes m&m's and smarties. Spencer of course is happy with all the chocolate he can enjoy!