
"My Masterpiece"

Spencer purchased me an awesome sewing machine for my birthday! I have put it to good use and made a few things!
I made this blanket yesterday while the girls were napping. One side is Chenel (soft and fuzzy) and the other side is flannel. I had a few incounters with the sewing machine but I finished my piece of work in good time!


Colby and Steph said...

Cute, I will have to see it in person to really admire it.

Burt Bunch said...

That is the best gift! Way to go with the sewing projects! Hope you have a great holiday!

Lyndsie said...

kim!!! i'm so glad you left a comment...like hello...a LONG time ago & it's taken me HOW long to respond to you????!!! i'm sorry...craziness of the holidays i guess!! i can't believe how cute your girls are! ella is so big now & molly is SUCH a pretty baby!! i'm so glad that you all seem to be doing so well. we saw spencer a while back at walmart & still haven't had you over...let's really plan something for like the beginning to mid january. my email is lyndsie.field@gmail.com, if you'll email me we can exchange numbers and get something figured out!! it would be great to get together and catch up a little bit! :) have a merry christmas!!

Heather B said...

Hi, Kim. Found your blog (obviously). I think you can get to mine by linking on this comment. It was good to see you on Christmas!

Merrills said...

Wow that's fun Trevor got me a sewing machine last year they are so handy. Your masterpiece looks awesome!! Hey I haven't had a chance to send out thank you cards yet but thank you so much for helping with my baby shower It really means a lot. We should go to dinner sometime.