
Did you say Teeth??

So...we have 2 teething girls at our house! What fun! Little Molly has 3 new teeth in the last 5 days and she has been miserable. She hasn't slept well and neither have I or Spencer for that matter. We have been living off of Tylenol and Otter Pops! Ella Jane has her 2 yr molars coming in and she has a runny nose and says her mouth hurts. NOT FUN! I have two girls who are both miserable and they have a mom who is tired and needs a refresher on a little patience. Any ideas for some soothing relief on these teeth coming in??


Jill said...

I have an idea- send them to my house and go take a nap:)

amie said...

I read online a frozen washcloth to suck on and to massage therir gums helps. Have you tried orajel?

Merrills said...

Good luck! I haven't gotten to that point yet so I will probably be asking you the same thing in a little while. It was good to talk to you the other day if you really do need a breather or a nap you can bring the girls over here to go swimming anytime.

Becky said...

Put some bananas in the fridge or freezer and then let them chew on them... they're a little more solid than popsicles so they give the kids something to bite, but they're still cold so they help to numb.