
Cherish Each Moment

Life at Our HouSe....can you say CRAZY! With trying (notice I said trying) to pack to move for medical school, taking the girls to the pool, library, park, play dates, routine doctor and dentist appointments for all of us, teething, potty training and summer fun...loving to vacation...we have been a little busy.

I actually had a few minutes earlier today while the girls were both sleeping (yes they did take a nap at the same time today!) to lay on the couch and think a little bit about life. This is my conclusion to my ever busy life right now....Cherish each moment for each moment, new word or phrase, each hug and I love you mom, each trial and triumph pass so quickly.

Ella is almost 3 and Molly turns 1 in August. Spencer starts Medical School in August and I get to be home with the girls... :) I am looking forward for all the time we will have as a family to really spend together and make new friends with our move. I am a little nervous...having family so close has been such a blessing with our two little girls. Every day Ella asks to go to either Nanny's house (my parents) or Grammy's house (Spencer's parents) to play. We will miss being so close! Thanks for your love and all your help! WE love you!
Now...please wish me luck with packing!!! :)


Did you say Teeth??

So...we have 2 teething girls at our house! What fun! Little Molly has 3 new teeth in the last 5 days and she has been miserable. She hasn't slept well and neither have I or Spencer for that matter. We have been living off of Tylenol and Otter Pops! Ella Jane has her 2 yr molars coming in and she has a runny nose and says her mouth hurts. NOT FUN! I have two girls who are both miserable and they have a mom who is tired and needs a refresher on a little patience. Any ideas for some soothing relief on these teeth coming in??