

We have a wild one on our hands! Little Molly is a very curious little girl who tends to get herself into mischief...with out even realizing it!

I have many stories to share but I will only share the latest...I was bathing the girls tonight while Spencer was down stairs cleaning up dinner. I left Ella to attend to Molly in the bathtub while in search for her gumball pajamas. To my pleasant suprise here comes Molly naked and very wet bouncing down the hall to the laundry room! How she got out of the tub is beyond me?? I immediately went to the girls room to grab a diaper. I put the diaper on Molly...mind you I am still in search of Ella's pajamas...and clean ones for Molly too...

Ella is now in the laundry room with Molly searching for her bubble gum pajamas...I hear Ella shout, "Molly don't step in that water!" What water...there was no water on the laundry room floor! I run to see what is going on and to my pleasant suprise...Molly has skillfully taken her diaper off and peed on the the floor. ..I looked at her and said "Molly that is naughty...she laughed..looked at Ella and said "Ella...naughty!" As if Ella had peed on the floor...ha ha...

She is our little handful!


Amie said...

That is so funny!! What a cutie! I would definitely say you have your hands full with that little girl. I guess now you know how mom felt with all of us crazy kids huh..lol

Danielle said...

Haha, that is so funny! What a cute girl!

hailey said...

Haha! See you could totally handle a boy... he wouldn't be much more mischievous than that.:)