
BIG Red Engine

Once a week I take Ella Jane (& Molly) over to the Library for a pre-school story-time afternoon. She really likes this for the following reasons:
1. She loves books
2. She likes to play with other children
3. She likes to pick out her bag of books to check out & take home

Last week was fire safety week so the children learned about fire trucks and firemen. They had the city fire dept bring a truck for the children to look at and get inside of....Ella liked it but wasn't sure she wanted to get in. This was really fun!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Too cute! Looks like Ella really had fun with the fire engines. I should check out my library and see if they have a storytime up here. :)

Oh, by the way, I've been tagged, and now so have you. You just have to go to my blog and cut and paste the rules and questions into your blog. Have a great day!