Molly has discovered how to successfully climb up the stairs and go down the slide at the park!

Molly is very determined! When she wants something Ella has, she will get it...hence the potty! However, it is usually a barbie or baby doll...

Molly has discovered the wonderful world of ART! I found the two partners in crime the other day...in my closet...quietly playing with the markers
(thank goodness they were washable) coloring their hands, feet, ears and any other body part that didn't have clothing on it...

Molly has a new passion for water! She would stay in the tub or swimming pool for hours if we let her!

The great outdoors!
I love my Molly because she is very strong willed and sensitive to feelings. She is my cuddle bug! She is so curious about the world around her and is always finding a way to use the objects she finds as a toy or some sort of entertainment!
Those pictures are so cute of little Molly! I can't believe how she looks so much like Aunt Allie! I love and miss her a bunch!! I can't believe how fast she is growing up, you certainly have your hands full!!
is your birthday!! Is that true! Well, I hope you have a great day if it is!! We miss having you close by, but it will be fun to stay in touch through your blog!! Love ya!
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