
Best Money Ever Spent

I have never really been much into Garage Sales. Since we run a tight budget I decided to try it out...Saturday our friends found several sales and printed off the google map and we were off @ 6:00 AM! First stop...Almost New Bread Machine...you will never guess how much we bought it for...ok it was the best $2.00 we spent! Last Stop...Barbie bike for little Molly! oh and that was $2.00 as well. As soon as we got home, we pulled out Ella's bike from the Garage along with the "new bike" and had a "Car wash." We made those bikes sparkle!

Needless to say...if you search thru the Trash you will find the Treasure!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Sweet! Don't you love finding a good deal...oh the stories I could tell you!