
"My Masterpiece"

Spencer purchased me an awesome sewing machine for my birthday! I have put it to good use and made a few things!
I made this blanket yesterday while the girls were napping. One side is Chenel (soft and fuzzy) and the other side is flannel. I had a few incounters with the sewing machine but I finished my piece of work in good time!

Cutest Girls on the Block

Ella Jane and Molly are such good girls. We share lots of hugs and kisses @ our house! Ella Jane just loves her "sissy Molly." Ella likes to have Molly lay next to her in her big girl bed so I let her occasionally. Ella is so willing to help me with changing diapers and clothes and whatever else needs attention...she is there!!

"Building" memories

Ella Jane is there when you need her. She really likes tools for some strange reason. She enjoys helping when we need to fix something (usually replacing batteries in a toy of some sort). Today we built her bookshelf/toys shelf for the living room. It organizes everything a little better. She of course helped me with the tools and told her daddy that she quote "built him something." How fun....


Molly Smiles

Little miss MOLLY is all about Smiles and making noises.



We have had some fun things happen at our home this month....

Ella Jane turned 2... She got a new big girl bed from us and she really likes it. I think this is mostly because she can get in and out of her bed now all by herself. My first thought of this happening was- she is is not going to sleep-but I have been pleasantly suprised. She has gotten me a few times in the middle of the night with a blanket in one hand and an animal of some sort in the other and says "mommy you lay with me"...oh how sweet!

Time passes so quickly. Molly is now 3 months and growing every minute! She smiles and makes noises...which Ella really likes. We are all happy and healthy.

The UTES won!! Maybe there will be a fun bowl game to go to who knows?? :)

Thanksgiving and all the trimmings are deLiCiouS to the tast and I get to make home made PUMPKIN PIES this year for the big day! YUMMY my favorite!


Ella & Clark Cousins

What a fun time we had while Ella's cousins visted from out of town. Ella enjoys playing with them...we wish they were closer!

Pretty darn cute bunch I have to say! We have little Emerson, Ella, Travis, Thomas and Molly.


Halloween 2008

Here we have the Count Dracula (Emerson) Cookie Monster (Thomas) Elmo (Ella Jane) and Superman (Travis). Ella Jane was so excited to have her cousins in town to go "trick or treating" with this year. She really got into the candy thing. She would say..."trick or treat smell my feet, give me something good to eat." Rather funny I thought until she said it at every door we knocked on...he he! Her most favorite candy is the sucker...hands down! She also likes m&m's and smarties. Spencer of course is happy with all the chocolate he can enjoy!


Wheeler Farm

Ella got to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch... She kept picking the green ones!We climbed up into the tree house and Ella could have played in there for hours!
One of the favorite animals of the day were the baby pigs. Ella will tell you they got her "dirty."
Here is the bunch! I remember life as a child going to Wheeler Farm. I enjoyed petting all the animals and feeding them and playing in the tree house. I remember the smell of the cows and how much I disliked that. What a fun thing to go and take Ella to a place I remember so well as a kid. This was a fun memory making experience for all of us. We missed you Spencer....


Ella got to draw a picture with this really cool pen wheel...here she is proud as can be about her magnificant piece of art work!
So my Mom, myself, Ella and Molly took a little road trip up to Boise Idaho to visit my sister Julie and her husband Clint 2 weeks ago. They just bought a new house and we were lucky to stay with them and see their new place. While we were there we went to the Discovery Center in Boise and had a good time....say cheese!


GrOwiNg and GrOwiNg

It has been a good 8 weeks now and Molly is growning by the inch! She no longer fits into her newborn outfits. I can't believe how quickly the days pass with not enough time to actually sit down and look at her tiny fingers and toes. Life as a MoM is great and Ella Jane loves having her "sissy" around.


BIG Red Engine

Once a week I take Ella Jane (& Molly) over to the Library for a pre-school story-time afternoon. She really likes this for the following reasons:
1. She loves books
2. She likes to play with other children
3. She likes to pick out her bag of books to check out & take home

Last week was fire safety week so the children learned about fire trucks and firemen. They had the city fire dept bring a truck for the children to look at and get inside of....Ella liked it but wasn't sure she wanted to get in. This was really fun!



Ella and I decided to make sock puppets on Monday. We needed to do something fun and while I was sorting laundry last week I thought to myself..."I really need some new socks" So...I put the old ones to good use.
Ella chose to paint her sock puppet yellow and pink. She picked out the buttons for the face and even wanted her puppet to have a bow in her hair...check it out!
We can only go outside to ride her bike or play at the park for a select few days in October...then its inside we go!

Help! Any moms or creative persons out there...I could use some other fun activity ideas.


California Boys

So I was looking thru pictures on our computer and found this one of Spencer with his friends Colby and Tyler. They went on a trip to California 5 years ago and had a good time apparently taking pictures of themselves...and their big muscles...they are pretty ripped!


The season of FALL

The season of Fall is wonderful. I enjoy the beautiful color changes of the leaves and nature itself. The crispness of the outside air is enjoyable. The rainy days in October are enjoyable. The good nature of people is enjoyable. Most of all I can't forget the wonderful season of Football....go UTES!!


Unique Baby Gift

So I received this cute baby diaper wreath with cute baby toys and clothes and accessories on it as a gift for Molly. I thought it was such a cute idea that I made one for my cousin's baby shower this weekend. If anyone else wants to make one I can tell you how...!

Big Sister

This is as good as it gets for now. I have tried for an entire month to get a picture of Ella holding her baby sister Molly....and I haven't had any luck until this week. Ella likes to hold Molly more now. We will set Molly on Ella's lap and Ella will look at her for about 10 seconds and then say, "All Done."
Molly is a month old now...wow how time passes so fast...

Fun Family Photos

So....my mom was going through old family pictures and came upon this... I think it is rather cute. My dad actually had hair...he! he! and us girls were just small. We have my older sister Amie who is about 5 and my twin sister Julie and I are about 3 and then my little sister Allison who is about 1 in this photo.

I was wondering why my hair looked so ratty...and not done. Well...with a sigh says my mom.... "you wouldn't let me do anything with your hair...I was lucky enough to even get a hair tie in it for the family pictures."

Well, now that I have 2 little girls, I think I can sympathize with my mother about little ones not wanting their hair done. Ella has become that way. I have to bribe her with Pony fruit snacks to do her hair for church.

Thought you all might want a good laugh...Enjoy this fun photo...I am the one on the bottom left..with the not so good looking hair and the funny face...I wasn't in the mood for my picture.


TEN Minutes

--Monday night--9:00 pm

So, it is bed time right? We were reading books on the couch and Ella got down, went over to the DVD's and got out a movie. She then brought the movie over to me and this is how the conversation went:

Ella: Mommy, watch movie please...
Mommy: Ella it is too late to watch a movie.
Ella: Mommmmmyyyyyy watch movie!
Mommy: Ella, you already watched the bunny movie today and you also watched the Lion King. You can watch the bunny movie tomorrow ok.
Ella: Mommy, ten minutes....please....?
Mommy: (laughing) what? ten minutes?
Ella: yeah, ten minutes...he! he! ten minutes....
Mommy: Who taught you to say that?
Ella: Ella did....mommy ten minutes...

She did not get to watch the movie, but I did think it was cute! She surprises us everyday with something new!


Cute Molly

Molly is such a beautiful baby. We all enjoy having her as part of our family. She is a very well tempered infant and is a wonderful gift to have in our home. I love being a mom!


"CaLL The LocKsMith!"

Ella Jane has become tall enough and smart enough to open and close the doors. Apparently she knows how to lock them as well.
She went in our room Monday night and closed the door and locked it. We tried for over an hour to get her to unlock it but she told us she didn't know how. We tried many different keys but not one of them worked...so we had to call the lock smith. (not cheap!)
We slipped Ella some books and fruit snacks while she was waiting for the "nice man" to come and open the door to let her free.

We changed the door knob on our bedroom door so this doesn't happen a second time.



We took a walk on Temple Square for something nice to do with some Fresh air and Sunshine!
Ella enjoyed seeing her Reflection in the water.
Ella Jane LOVES her daddy!
Me and my two cute GIRLS

Sleep Deprived??

So... We have had a rough time with getting our recommended 8 hours of sleep for some strange reason? I don't know who fell asleep first but I'm glad they both got a nap...that is a word I don't remember....Cute pic huh? Cute Ella Jane...she likes to fall asleep on the couch these days. She says quote, "mommy, tickle back, sing song, Ella sleep." It works like a charm!


We have had many visitors over the past 2 weeks. Pictured here we have my twin sis Julie holding Molly on the right and my little sis Allie with Ella Jane on the left. We (especially Ella) really like visitors because it is refreshing! Thanks for driving down from Idaho to visit Julie...we love you!



I have a great friend who I attended school with whom I look up to as a wonderful inspiring woman and mother. She has made me do a little soul searching with some of my day to day activities and obligations. I have used a few words from her great post and hope she doesn’t mind. Thank you for the little reminder of living each day to JUST BE!

One of the things that I have always been sure of is that I don’t want an overscheduled family. In April’s General Conference, Elder Ballard gave a poignant talk that empathized with young mothers. In it, he quoted the author Anna Quindlen, who said, “The biggest mistake I made as a parent is the one that most of us make…I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of (my three children) sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.” (Loud and Clear [2004], 10-11) (M. Russell Ballard, The Ensign, 2008 General Conference address, 108 – 110)

This makes me cry. With a new one week old baby (Molly) and a 2 year old (Ella), I am aware that each day their babyhood, their childhood, is fleeting, I also know that life as a young mom will never be enough to chase away the yearning I will have when I am much older to see my babies as babies again. I have learned you will constantly be battling between maintaining and enjoying. I remember this as I am outside swinging at the park with Ella Jane and telling her it’s time to go home to take a nap or make dinner, or have a bath.

I need to SIMPLIFY! What does it mean to simplify my day-to-day life? I think it means, planning ahead household cleaning and other responsibilities, compounding all errands into one afternoon and forgiving and forgetting the things that don’t go as I had planned. I can’t change the fact that my husband, Spencer will spend a good portion of time at school or work; what I can affect is the carefree, childhood days my children have.
“I know that there can be joy in the doing and maintaining, but I want to create for my kids the opportunity to just be.” To take a walk to the park or blow bubbles in the backyard with no plans to go inside. To read stories and play pony’s and barbies without letting my mind wander to the heaping pile of dirty laundry that needs washed and folded or the bathroom that needs to be cleaned. To pull a stool up to the counter while making chocolate chip cookies (Ella’s favorite!) to teach them that responsibility is more fun when we do it together. To go to the park and wrestle and play when dad gets home, rather than run errands or participate in too many organized activities. This is what I want to do. I feel very satisfied with my life. I know it’s only going to get busier and more complicated so for today, I’ll make the decision to “just be.”


Molly Ruth Clark

Here she is....Molly Ruth Clark....Born August 23, 2008
Weight 7 lbs 14 oz Height 20 Inches
She is such a bundle of Joy. We really have been impressed with what a great baby she is. Ella Jane has also been a really good girl. She is very attentive to Molly's needs. When Molly cries, Ella says...quote " Molly sad again, get her"
Ella is a wonderful helper and likes to hold Molly. I was having a little anxiety with how things would play out having 2 little girls to care for. So far...so Good! Spencer has been home for a week from work and has been such a great help. I don't know what I will do when he goes back next week. We are sure enjoying our little girls!!

"Giddy Up Horse"

I never did get to blogging this cute photo. In July, Bountiful City did a fun carnival at the City Park 2 blocks from our house. We went over to get a snow cone and Ella saw the Pony's. She decided she would like to ride one so we bought a ticket and Ella had a great time. She said... Quote "mommy, ride pony....Eat Grass...Ella want to..."


Bath Time Fun

BATH time is Ella's favorite time of the day!
She washes her toes and tummy all by herself now.
She likes to put LOTS of soap in her hair....
this picture captures it all!

Fat Cat's Bowling and Pizza!

Wow...so here I am....still no baby! Julie and Clint came down from Idaho so all my sisters and mom and dad went to Fat Cats to do some bowling on Tuesday August 19th. We had a great time.
Ella Jane...she had a great time and even got a few strikes...Clint brought his own Black and Orange bowling ball and that was Ella's favorite ball to bowl with.


Mommy and Ella

Books around our house are never left on the shelf. Ella Jane really enjoys reading. Daddy got a snap shot of Ella and I reading one of her favorite Dr. Seuss Books from Grandma and Grandpa Dame.

Cousin Travis

Ella was so excited this weekend to see her cousin Travis.
Travis is 1 yr and likes to walk and climb now. He was climbing into the laundry basket at Grandma and Grandpa Clark's house and Ella decided to help him by pushing him in and then pushing the basket around the house. Travis didn't seem to mind a bit...he actually liked it and so did Ella.

July 4th 2008

The 4th of July was fun this year. We went to Eaglewood Golf Course with our friends and watched the spectacular FiReWoRk show on the 3rd which Ella really liked. We have done that for the past few years and we really seem to enjoy it. On the 4th we went to the Clark's house for a BBQ, swimming and some fun fireworks. Ella enjoyed the SpArKlerS!


Father's Day

For Father's Day We made the rounds to Grandparents and Great-Grandparents homes. Ella decided she wanted to ride on the glider at Great-Grandpa and Grandma Clarks house with her "dada". This girl loves to be outside doing anything she can climb on--especially if it includes her Dad.



The Zoo! What a fun time we had. We took Ella to the Zoo with my family. We were just missing Julie and Clint and Corey. We had a great time. Ella loves the animals and really enjoyed being with other people besides just Mama and Dada.

Grandpa Dame, Grandma Dame, Amie, Allison, Ella, Spencer and Kim


Ella Jane 18 Months

Ella and Spencer suprised me with some flowers and a spa package for Mother's Day...which is very much needed! This is little Ella smiling for me saying Happy Mother's Day! She is so talkative and on the go! I can hardly keep up with her. I love being a mom - I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the experiences I have everyday with Ella Jane.

April Vacation

Ella and I went with my Sisters and Mom for a GIRLS weekend getaway to St. George. We rented a mini van and the 6 of us piled in and off we went. Nana bought these darling glasses for Ella to have on the trip, which she enjoyed. Ella also learned that she likes watching movies in the car...We had a good time in the warm sunny weather!

Swing'n Ella

Ella has 3 things on her mind these days. The first one being the Park or the SWINGS, second is "mama- go go NaNa" she loves both of her nana's, and the third thing is moo moo for MOviE. She has discoverd movies and her favorites are 'Shrek' and 'Cars'...none of this Princess movie stuff.. She is funny! In this picture she is swinging at Nana and Papa Dames house whom she loves!

Clark Concert Coming Soon!

Ella likes to play the piano. She enjoys Music and likes to dance. She and Travis her little cousin are playing a duet at Grandma and Grandpa Clark's house. What a sight and sound to see! I just hope she still likes it 5 years from now she could be a concert pianist ya know!

Ella Jane 15 Months

Ella loves her sunglasses! She doesn't like to leave the house with out them. She is running all over the place and loves to sit and read books. She says, "mama dada...boo boo" for book. She loves to read especially at night with her dady.